JavaScript在ES6标准之后,支持了模板字符串,模板字符串(template string)是增强版的字符串,用反引号(`)标识。它可以当作普通字符串使用,也可以用来定义多行字符串,或者在字符串中嵌入变量。
// 普通字符串`hello world.`// 多行字符串`helloworld.`// 字符串中嵌入变量var a = 'world';var b = `hello ${a}`;复制代码
var a = `This is a template string. Even though each line is indented to keep the code neat and tidy, the white space used to indent is not in the resulting string`;console.log(a);/* 打印结果"This is a template string. Even though each line is indented to keep the code neat and tidy, the white space used to indent is not in the resulting string" */复制代码
- 传统的字符串拼接+换行符
var a = `This is a template string.\n` + `Even though each line is indented to keep the\n`复制代码
- 优点:简单易懂
- 缺点:拼接繁琐容易出错,没有充分利用模板字符串的优势
- 字符串替换
var a = (`This is a template string. Even though each line is indented to keep the code neat and tidy, the white space used to indent is not in the resulting string` ).replace(/^ /gm, '');复制代码
- 优点:充分利用了模板字符串
- 缺点:空格数不一致容易导致替换出错,对文本有侵入性可能会替换掉不该替换的内容,增加运算时间
- 变量替换
const N = "\n";var a = `This is a template string. ${ N}Even though each line is indented to keep the ${ N}code neat and tidy, the white space used to indent ${ N}is not in the resulting string`;复制代码
- 优点:简单易懂且充分利用模板字符串的特性,和Scala中的stripMargin很像
- 缺点:需要专门维护换行符变量